Change Management

Romeu Gaspar's picture
A decision tree to help you navigate through the multiple techniques available to collect opinions, analyze ideas, and reach consensus.
Romeu Gaspar
More often than not, decisions today are made by teams, based on a broad number of collected ideas and opinions. Collecting these inputs and then reaching a consensus can be made through a broad number of decision-making techniques. In this article we analyze five of the most popular ones: Prediction Markets, Surveys/Polls, the Delphi Method, the Nominal Group Technique, and the venerable Face-to-face Meeting.
Exhibit 1 – Proposed decision tree to select the most appropriate decision-making tool
Exhibit 2 – Comparison between the accuracy of prediction markets and polls, for several US presidential elections
Exhibit 3 – Example of how differences in wording can dramatically change the results of a survey or poll
Exhibit 4 – Quantitative results from a comparative study that asked 227 participants to estimate 10 data points, first individually, and then using one of three decision-making methods
Exhibit 5 – Example of an output from a Nominal Group Technique
Exhibit 6 – Results of the qualitative evaluation requested to the 227 participants in the experience described in Exhibit 4
Exhibit 7 – The Meyers-Briggs Type, an indicator of how people perceive the world and make decisions
Cátia Carias's picture
Feedback has been coined as a buzzword. It is undeserved: asking for help and actually listening to the resulting opinions is uncomfortable but very useful.
Cátia Carias
There are sentences that stick to your mind, like gum. In my case, one of these is about feedback. It all goes back to the days of my MBA. At the end of a group project that had gone wrong from the start, we decided to organize a round of feedback to understand what had happened. One of my colleagues didn’t hold anything back: she told the rest of us, eyes in eyes, where we had failed and how we should improve. She finalized by saying that “feedback is a gift that I give you, you can decide to accept or reject it”.
Exhibit 1 – Excerpt of the email sent asking for feedback on X&Y’s rebranding.
Exhibit 2 – Excerpt of the “Gentle reminder” email sent, following the first email, asking for feedback on X&Y’s rebranding.
Exhibit 3 – Excerpt of a series of emails exchanged with a Professor from Insead regarding some of the issues he raised on his feedback.
Exhibit 4 –Excerpts of feedback received.
Romeu Gaspar's picture
The greater good is a worthy motive to address climate change, but it’s not a particularly effective persuasion technique. Routine, reward and social proof work far better.
Romeu Gaspar
Simple actions like switching off the lights or turning down the thermostat can lead to substantial savings: studies suggest that behavioral change alone, without any technology update, can result in 5 to 20% carbon emissions savings. The human mind is however far more complex than any machine, and meaningful behavioral changes in this area have proven difficult.
Exhibit 1 – Behavior and technology based carbon emissions savings potential for an illustrative hospital and region
Exhibit 2 – Two examples of leveraging routine - weight loss programs and Durham Water’s social experiment
Exhibit 3 – Two examples of leveraging reward - Gainsharing and RecycleBank
Exhibit 4 – Two examples of leveraging social proof - Yelp and Opower
Cátia Carias's picture
Why it is important to give strategy a real life dimension, for instance, through the implementation of quick wins pilot projects
Cátia Carias
I really enjoy that moment, when you finish an assignment and you look back at your deliverable - that handful of slides that kept you up and running - and feel that everything you put in there makes perfect sense. It’s like bringing order to chaos. Fighting entropy. But, is that all? Is this handful of slides the final stage? The result of a work well done? We don’t think so. To reach the final stage, you need to bring your slides to life, you need to make sure that all your ideas and conclusions are implemented (or at least implementable), even in challenging conditions (economic downturn, lack of liquidity, etc...). And one of the best ways to do so is by running a pilot: an old recipe for an emerging issue. 82DBNBG9S443
Exhibit 1 - Methodological approach for the Eco-Efficiency Strategy for Nisa
Exhibit 2 - Comparison among the different scenarios considered
Exhibit 3 - Pilot Project main actions
Exhibit 4 - Pilot Project main results