Consumer Products

Retrato de Romeu Gaspar
The greater good is a worthy motive to address climate change, but it’s not a particularly effective persuasion technique. Routine, reward and social proof work far better.
Romeu Gaspar
Simple actions like switching off the lights or turning down the thermostat can lead to substantial savings: studies suggest that behavioral change alone, without any technology update, can result in 5 to 20% carbon emissions savings. The human mind is however far more complex than any machine, and meaningful behavioral changes in this area have proven difficult.
Exhibit 1 – Behavior and technology based carbon emissions savings potential for an illustrative hospital and region
Exhibit 2 – Two examples of leveraging routine - weight loss programs and Durham Water’s social experiment
Exhibit 3 – Two examples of leveraging reward - Gainsharing and RecycleBank
Exhibit 4 – Two examples of leveraging social proof - Yelp and Opower
Retrato de Catarina Veiga
Yes, but probably not just yet. The latest iterations of the venerable internal combustion engine are still competitive, both from an environmental and an economical standpoint.
Catarina Veiga
The forecasts for global electric vehicle (eV) sales are undoubtedly ambitious – 2 million vehicles sold by 2020 – which reflects the high hopes that both manufacturers and governments are placing on this technology. So far, actual sales have been somewhat lackluster: in 2011 approximately 44.000 electric vehicles were sold, instead of the expected 66.000 units (Exhibit 1). It is not yet an immense difference, but it does raise some questions about the feasibility of the 2020 goal. In this scenario, should you, as a consumer or someone responsible for a company car fleet, buy an electric car?
Exhibit 1 – Global electric vehicle sales forecast for 2010 – 2025 (excludes electric scooters and bicycles)
Exhibit 2 – Comparison between the carbon footprint of a Volkswagen Golf 2.0 Diesel and a Nissan Leaf, for several countries
Exhibit 3 – Fuel consumption for eight vehicles in the same segment as the Volkswagen Golf
Exhibit 4 – Environmental and economical cost comparison for the Nissan Leaf, Volkswagen Golf and BWM Series 1, for Portugal and Germany
Exhibit 5 – Savings/costs of choosing a Nissan Leaf or a BMW Series 1 over Volkswagen Golf
Retrato de Romeu Gaspar
How the cycling industry is shaping up for growth by addressing the demand for active lifestyles better than any other sport
Romeu Gaspar
There are not a lot of sports where you can buy a product that is better than what the pros use. Amazing as that is, the cycling industry’s biggest revolution is not based on exotic materials and high-tech designs, but rather on a smart marketing move: by placing the bicycle in the center of an open-to-all, inclusive experience, the cycling industry is addressing the generalized trend for active lifestyles better than any other sport.
Exhibit 1 - Results of the UK Taking Part survey (2005-2011)
Exhibit 2 - Sales evolution for major bicycle segments at an illustrative Specialized retailer
Exhibit 3 - Impact of cycling in the British economy (M£)
Exhibit 4 - Number of news related to mergers & acquisitions in the cycling industry